Took the drone out to the farm of a family friend last week for a play. Took a couple of pics, the obligatory 360 panorama and tried to do some AI tracking.
It was a nice day for photography, a few clouds in the sky and a decent temperature. Lack of direct sunlight makes any day better in my view.

I must admit, I did have some trouble getting the drone to track my vehicle. It could see it and keep it roughly centred, but wouldnt follow along behind. This is probably down to user error on my part and I will have to experiment more as time allows. I wasnt overly surprised as it lost its target behind trees, but it didn’t hurt to see what it could do.
The little guy had trouble keeping stationary objects in the centre of the frame too, true, there were some obstructions on the building, but the lonely tree in a field should have been done better. Seems that I need more hands on experience.