G'day everyone!

My name is James Corby, a teacher by day and a photography enthusiast whenever I can sneak away from the school hustle. Since days as a university student, I've been hooked on freezing moments in time, and the passion just keeps growing.

I don't have any sort of brand loyalty. My kit a bit of a mixed bag! From the sturdiness of my Full Frame DSLR Pentax K1, to the dependable Canon EF-R mirrorless cameras that have been my trusted companions for some years now. They consistently deliver top-notch performance, capturing moments with precision and clarity.

Lately, I've been diving into different older Fuji X models, each adding its unique touch to the frame. They have a certain analogue look and feel, as well as vibrant, cinematic colours.

And hey, did I mention I'm into drones too? The Mavic Mini and the Mavic Air 2 let me capture angles that were never possible before. They're like my eyes in the sky, finding angles that are otherwise unthinkable.

If you're curious about my world, dive into my photo stories and discover some hidden gems in my sporadic blog entries. Any questions or requests? Shoot them my way! I'm here to help.

Catch you on the flip side,
